The Fourth Article Of The Creed

The Fourth Article Of The Creed

Q. What is the fourth article of the Creed?
A. The fourth article of the Creed is, ‘suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and
Pontius Pilate. The Roman Governor who ruled over Judea, the southern part of
Crucify. To put to death by fastening the body by the hands and feet to a cross.
Q. What were the chief sufferings of Christ?
A. The chief sufferings of Christ were: first, his agony, and his sweat of blood in the Garden;
secondly, his being scourged at the pillar, and crowned with thorns; and thirdly, his carrying
his cross, his crucifixion, and his death between two thieves.
Chief sufferings. The greatest or principal sufferings. There were many others besides
Scourging. Whipping with great severity. Our Lord was scourged in Pilate’s hall. Here
He was also crowned with thorns.
Carrying His cross. Our Lord carried His cross from Pilate’s hall to the summit of
Calvary. The ‘Stations of the Cross’ is a devotion in honour of this journey.
Q. What are the chief sufferings of our Lord called?
A. The chief sufferings of our Lord are called the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Q. Why did our Saviour suffer?
A. Our Saviour suffered to atone for our sins, and to purchase for us eternal life.
Q. Why is Jesus Christ called our Redeemer?
A. Jesus Christ is called our Redeemer because his precious blood is the price by which we were
Q. On what day did our Saviour die?
A. Our Saviour died on Good Friday.
Good Friday. So called because on that day we were saved from sin and hell, and
therefore a great good was done for us.
Q. Where did our Saviour die?
A. Our Saviour died on Mount Calvary.
Q. Why do we make the sign of the cross?
A. We make the sign of the cross - first, to put us in mind of the Blessed Trinity: and secondly, to
remind us that God the Son died for us on the Cross.
Sign of the cross. We make this sign also:
1. to show that we are Christians, or followers of Christ;
2. to ask God’s help in all that we do;
3. to arm ourselves against temptation. The cross is the sign of our Redemption.
Q. In making the sign of the cross how are we reminded of the Blessed Trinity? ★
A. In making the sign of the cross we are reminded of the Blessed Trinity by the words, ‘In the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’.
In the name. This is to signify our belief in the Unity of God.
Of the Father, etc. By using these three names we express our faith in the Trinity of God.
Q. In making the sign of the cross how are we reminded that Christ died for us on the Cross?
A. In making the sign of the cross we are reminded that Christ died for us on the Cross by the very
form of the cross which we make upon ourselves.


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