General Questions about the Life of Jesus

General Questions about the Life of Jesus

Questions about the Life of Jesus

Q: Who was Jesus' human mother?
A: Mary

Q: Who was Jesus’ adoptive father on
A: Joseph

Q: Who was Jesus’ birth father?
A: God the Holy Spirit – see Matt 1:20

Q: Name the city where Jesus was born?
A: Bethlehem

Q: Where did Jesus’ family go when Herod
wanted to harm him as baby?
A: Egypt

True or False: Because Jesus was God, he
didn’t obey his parents’ rules.
A: False – Jesus obeyed his parents – see

Luke 2:51
True or False: Jesus was an only child.
A: False - Jesus had brothers and sister - see
Mark 6:3

Q: How many of Jesus’ brothers are named
in the Bible?
A: Four

Q: How many of Jesus’ sisters are named in
the Bible?
A: None

Q: Name one of Jesus’ brothers?
A: James, Joseph, Simon and Judas

Q: Who was Jesus' most famous cousin?
A: John the Baptist

True or False: John the Baptist wore clothes
made of goat hair?
A: False – it was camel hair

Q: Who baptized Jesus?
A: John the Baptist

Q: Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was
A: God

Q: What did God say?
A: That he was well-pleased with his son.

Q: What happened when Jesus went into
the wilderness?
A: He was tempted by Satan

Q: Before Jesus starting preaching, what
was his normal job?
A: Carpenter (construction worker) – See
Mark 6:3

Q: Name Jesus’ hometown.
A: Nazareth

Q: True or False: Jesus turned water into
A: False, Jesus turned water into wine.

Q: Besides preaching, name an activity
Jesus did while traveling in Galilee.
A: Healing the sick and casting out demons.

True or False: Jesus stayed away from
people with bad reputations?
A: False – He often ate with “sinners.”

Q: Name the place where Jesus walked on
A: Sea of Galilee

True or False: At first, Jesus family tried to
stop his ministry and said he was crazy.
A: True - see Mark 3:11

True or False: Jesus said his true family was
anyone who obeys God.
A: True – see Mark 3:34-35

True or False: Everywhere he went, people
loved Jesus and believed his message?
A: False – many times Jesus was rejected.

Q: Which member of the Jewish ruling
counsel came to ask Jesus questions at
A: Nicodemus

True or False: Jesus didn’t like the people
because they worshiped God the wrong
A: False – Jesus welcomed all to follow him

Q: How many disciples did Jesus choose?
A: 12

Q: What was Matthew before he followed
A: A tax collector

True or False: Jesus would sometimes “spit”
as part of his healing miracles.
A: True - Three times the Bible describes

him spitting. – see Mark 7:33, Mark 8:23,
John 9:6
Q: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A: John 11:35 Jesus wept.

Q: Why did Jesus weep in that verse?
A: Because his friend Lazarus died.

Q: How many days was Lazarus dead before
Jesus came to visit?
A: Four days

Q: What 2 things did Jesus do to raise
Lazarus back to life?
A: He prayed and then told Lazarus to come

Q: Who helped pay the bills for Jesus and
the disciples ministry?
A: Several women who he had healed – see
Luke 8:1-3

Q: Name the demon Jesus cast out in the
region of the Gerasenes?
A: Legion

True or False: While on Earth, Jesus had the
power to raise dead people back to life?
A: True – several examples

Q: How much bread and fish did Jesus use
to feed over 5000 people?
A: Five loaves of bread —and two fish
Q: True or False: Jesus’ said washing hands is
never important.
A: False – he said dirty hands don’t make a
person spiritually unclean. You can still get

Q: What was Peter and Andrew doing when
Jesus’ called them to follow him?
A: Fishing

Q: Name the two Old Testament people
who appeared when Jesus was
A: Elijah and Moses

True or False: Jesus ask the children to stay
back while he was teaching important
things to grown-ups.
A: False – Jesus welcomed children

Q: What problem did Bartimaeus have that
Jesus fixed?
A: He was blind

True or False: When Jesus went to the
Temple, he always used his inside voice.
A: False – Jesus drove out the money

Q: How many people did Jesus feed with
fish and bread?
A: 5,000 people

Q: How many lepers did Jesus heal when
only 1 returned?
A: 10

Q: What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to
his disciples?
A: Washed their feet
True or False: Jesus said only big money
offerings were important to God.
False – See the Widow’s Offering
Q: What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet
at the home of Simon the Leeper?
A: Jar of expensive perfume

Q: Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
A: Judas Iscariot

Q: What garden did Jesus go to when he
prayed after the Last Supper?
A: Garden of Gethsemane

True or False: The Jewish leaders tried to
set Jesus free.
A: False – They lobbied for his crucifixion

Q: Who gave Jesus a crown made of thorns?
A: Roman soldier

Q: Name the Roman Governor who sat over
Jesus trial?
A: Pilate

Q: What did Pilate do to “cleanse himself”
of the crucifixion?
A: Washed his hands

Q: Who cut off a soldier’s ear when Jesus
was being arrested?
A: Peter

True or False: Jesus didn’t know that he was
going to be arrested and killed in Jerusalem.
A: False – He knew and told his disciples

before it happened.
Q: Which disciple denied Jesus three times?
A: Peter

Q: What happened to the temple curtain
when Jesus was killed?
A: It was ripped

Q: What happened after Jesus was buried in
the tomb?
A: He rose again

Q: What was rolled away from the entrance
of the tomb?
A: A large stone

Q: What day of the week did Jesus rise back
to life?
A: Sunday – the first day of the week

Q: How many days before Jesus returned to
A: 40 days

Q: How did Jesus leave Earth and go to
A: He rose up into the clouds

Q: How many people saw Jesus after he
came back from the dead?
A: More than 500 – see 1 Cor 15:3–8

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