Catechism On tenth Commandment

Catechism On  tenth Commandment

Q. What is the tenth Commandment?
A. The tenth Commandment is ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s goods’.

Q. What does the tenth Commandment forbid?
A. The tenth Commandment forbids all envious and covetous thoughts and unjust desires of our
neighbour’s goods and profits.
Covet. Unlawfully and unjustly desiring, or wishing for anything which belongs to
Church Precepts

Q. Are we bound to obey the Church?
A. We are bound to obey the Church, because Christ has said to the pastors of the Church: ‘He that
heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you, despiseth me.’ Luke 10:16


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